7 Examples of Patent Trolling: Legal and Regulatory Provisions to Combat Patent Trolling

Discover seven real-world examples of patent trolling. This article explores how regulatory provisions and legal frameworks are being used to combat abusive patent litigation, protecting innovation and ensuring fair competition in the marketplace.

7 Examples of Patent Trolling: Legal and Regulatory Provisions to Combat Patent Trolling

Patent trolls, also known as non-practicing entities (NPEs) or patent assertion entities (PAEs), are companies that purchase patents not to produce products or services, but rather to enforce patent rights against alleged infringers in a manner considered unduly aggressive or opportunistic.

These entities often target companies with threats of patent litigation, compelling them to pay licensing fees or settle out of court, regardless of the patent's validity or the alleged infringement's legitimacy.

This practice can stifle innovation, burden genuine businesses with legal costs, and divert resources away from productive activities.

Below, we explore notable examples of patent trolling and their impact on industries and innovation.

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